Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This is a newer acronym for the revolution of women who are trying to find the balance between working and family by combining the two.  Work-at-home-moms are tired of punching the clock at a job in which their employers often don’t care that their child was up sick through the night, or that the school Christmas concert is scheduled during school hours. We as mom’s want to feel that we are contributing to our family in a meaningful way, both financially and in a traditional caregiver role.  Sounds like a perfect solution right? But how do we then balance our work as a “work-at-home-mom”, with the daily needs of our children, the maintaining of a household which OBVIOUSLY gets messier with children home on a daily basis, and the spouse who comes home at the end of the day and says, “what did you do all day?”

Even with all of those factors, this is a goal that I am striving to achieve. To find that happy balance between a meaningful career and a happy family life.  What are some strategies that other WAHM’s are using to find balance in their lives?


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