Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ethyl Mercury vs. Methyl Mercury

So what is the difference? What are we even talking about anyways?!? And why do we care what the difference is between the two? Ethyl & methyl mercury are two very different mercury compounds, one of which is found in our food chain, the other is present in our vaccines.

            Methyl mercury is not found in vaccines, but is an environmental contaminant that can build up as a neurotoxin in our bodies over time [1]. Methyl mercury can be found in our food sources like fish & therefore builds up in our bodies after we ingest them. Methyl mercury is eliminated very slowly from the body through our stool, which means it remains built up in our bodies for long periods of time [1]. Methyl mercury can affect development in babies whose mothers were exposed to methyl mercury before & during pregnancy, & as well, can cause neurological symptoms in adults who have experienced high exposure to methyl mercury [1]. These symptoms can include tremors, weakness, memory loss, & sensitivity to light & sound [1].

            Ethyl mercury is the type of mercury found in Thimerosal. Ethyl mercury is more rapidly eliminated from our bodies therefore it does not accumulate as fast or for as long [1]. This is makes it more difficult to assess blood levels of ethyl mercury in our bodies, & therefore more difficult to set safe intake levels [1]. There is the potential for ethyl mercury to cause kidney damage & neurotoxicity similar to methyl mercury when ingested in large amounts [1].

            In 1999, the FDA decided that:

            Depending on which combination of vaccines an infant received for each of his or her recommended vaccines, an infant could potentially be exposed on one day, to total levels of ethyl mercury that would exceed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safe intake level of 0.1 micrograms for methyl mercury per kilogram of infant body weight per day (p. 154)

Therefore, the decision to remove thimerosal from childhood vaccines was based on these two extremely different compounds.

            So, what is the point of this long winded & very wordy blog?!? I am not trying to push vaccinations on anyone. Basically, I want people to BE INFORMED! I want people to make educated choices for themselves & for their families. Take the time to do the research & use accredited sources of information.
2 books I would recommend reading if you have questions or concerns regarding vaccinating your children are:
Your Child’s Best Shot by Ronal Gold, MD, MPH 
Do Vaccines Cause That?! By Martin G. Myers, M.D. & Diego Pineda.
Both books offer great insight into the history of vaccinations, disease prevention, side effects, & much more. Happy reading!

[1] Myers, Martin G. & Pineda, Diego. (2008). Do Vaccines Cause That?! Galveston, Texas: Immunizations for Public Health.


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