Friday, November 2, 2012

So excited!

I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant!  We were fall camping by Grand Prairie, a surprise snow fall on our trailer, heater going and probably THREE pregnancy tests later!!  And a permasmile!


A few weeks later, I was working a 12 hour night shift and experienced bleeding about half way through the shift…I had just finished helping the Dr deliver a beautiful baby.  Keeping my composure and maintaining professionalism, I finished up with what I could.  I went to the nursing station and completely broke down.  When I was finally able to explain to my co-workers what was happening, they let me have a break and took over my patient.  All said and done, bleeding lasted about 2 days, ultrasound showed a viable fetus and I was told it must have been implantation bleeding.  Stressful is what describes that experience.


The pregnancy continued with 6 months of nausea and throwing up.  I remember driving 12 hours to High River and having to stop on the crazy busy highway… not too pleasant.  Then, at 36 weeks I started getting a lot of Braxton hicks… 


The Braxton Hicks continued all the way until labor.  I went in a couple times in false labor, thankfully it was all the nurses I worked with!  Then the real thing happened!  I was feeding our dogs early on April 27th and my water broke, then the intensity of my contractions increased!  That hit hard and I knew this was labor. 


I went and woke my husband up, he decided he needed a quick shower…I said, “OK but a QUICK one!”  He was so great and supportive.  He got our bag, that we had had packed for weeks, and headed out the door.  That one km drive was torturous!  When I got to the ER, I told them, it’s the real deal!


I was dilated to 5cm and they offered me Morphine.  I did accept that, but so regretted it!  It did not help my pain but made me in this foggy perception of reality and disorientation.  Not fun.  I told them absolutely no more.  They took us to a beautiful LDRP room and we settled in. 


I progressed rather quickly for a first time mom.  But it was intense!  I had back labor, awful back labor.  I had my husband massage my back, I sat on the birthing ball, I had a shower, I was miserable!  I remember them putting the straps on me for the fetal monitoring  and I told them “no way are those straps staying on me!” (as I was feeling remorse for all the moms I had stay for lengthy periods on the fetal monitor in the past!)


About 5 hours later, I was fully dilated.  But they didn’t call my Dr because he was on his way to a local community to do a clinic.  (I later found out that he would have come back like he told me, they never called him).  So I ended up with the Dr that I really hadn’t wanted to have…but in that frame of mind…it doesn’t matter.


I pushed for an hour and a half.  They said, “push” and I said, “what do you think I am doing?!”  There was no progression, my baby was posterior and not coming down.  I ended up receiving a pudental block (which freezes the perineum…and a good thing…) and they used the Kiwi vacuum about 4 or 5 times.  More then they are suppose too…so in my delirious state, but being a maternity nurse…I had fear that baby was not doing well.  Somewhere, that maternal power came through and I was able to finish an exhausting 90 minutes of pushing and delivered an 8 pound, 8 oz baby girl.  They rushed her over to the baby warmer and worked on her…she was blue.  Thankfully within minutes she pinked up and started crying.  (remember she was only 38 weeks! What a size!).


But for me, I ended up with a third degree tear and required 45 minutes of stitches.  Ick!  And the worst thing, by this time it is 3pm on a weekday and all my fellow co-workers thought it was OK to barge in and say hi.  At the moment, from complete exhaustion, I didn’t think about it.  But now, I think… there I am being stitched up and people were walking in.  Ah well, we live and learn.


The unfortunate part of that experience, was my post partum weeks.  Five days later I was still extremely sore and tender that I could not sit down.  I had to use pillows and blankets and get up and down sooo slow and tenderly.  Finally, I thought this couldn’t be normal.  So off to ER I went…by this time you just don’t want to expose yourself anymore.  I had my regular Dr and he treated me for an infection…3rd degree tear and infection!  Great, so antibiotics and pain, not fun!  It took about a week when I could actually be able to sit without taking a minute or two, to do it.


Even with all that craziness, I bonded with my beautiful baby girl!  Was absolutely in love!  And the great thing was that she breastfed like a Pro!  With all the stress I had been through, it was relieving to have an awesome little breast feeder!  And she gained weight so fast!


My next two pregnancies and deliveries were much smoother…I will save them for next time!



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