Wednesday, November 14, 2012



            Once your baby is born it feels as though everything in life happens so fast and you go through so many stages. Every stage feels at times like it is never going to end and at times like it goes so fast. Currently it feels like we are in a stage that feels like it is never going to end. At my house we are currently experiencing the joys of teeth coming in. My son is now 13 months and has 8 teeth (he started teething in April) and we are in the process of cutting couple more through. Teething at our house unfortunately involves a lot of crying, drooling, red faces, not eating solid foods, and prior to weaning marathon nursing sessions. Oh yes, the joys of this stage- thankfully they don’t remember it and truth be told I will likely forget how these sleepless nights and cranky mornings feel too. I feel so bad for my little one as he is trying to sleep and every time I lay him down he screams in pain. I have given him medication, cold cloths, and teething toys and the only thing that really makes him happy is me. So I sit here with him curled up in my arms and I stare at his little face, all red and flushed, but finally relaxed. I want to remember this moment forever (not the screaming for the past couple of hours that has preceded this). But this moment where he is completely relaxed cuddling with me and I had the ability to soothe him. I know one day he may have pain and I won’t be able to make it go away but for tonight I am so happy that I get to be the one who calms and comforts him. 

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