Monday, November 5, 2012

Clean Houses...

Clean Houses


            Growing up I always wondered how people’s houses managed to get so messy with kids. I grew up in a house that to me always seemed so organized and clean- I realize now that my mother worked very very hard to keep it looking like that. You see I now have a 2 ½ year old and an 11 month old and I know why the messy kid houses exist. Take today for example after breakfast I swept the half a bowl of Cheerios up from beneath my table and got my children dressed. Ten minutes later my daughter comes out of her room in a completely different outfit and my son is crawling around, pulling books off the shelf and magnets off the fridge. I then decide to wash my floors. Fifteen minutes later the floors are sparkly and I have put away the toys and life is looking good. Then my daughter gets her juice out, spills a bit on the floor and my son crawls through that….time to change clothes again and wash the floor again…..And so this cycle continues throughout the day…Clean up little messes, change clothes, toilet train, clean up messes , repeat….As I sit here tonight I realize that yes it was a day of messes and yes my house doesn’t show any of the work I put in to cleaning it today but I am a lucky mom. I have two happy healthy kids who have enough energy to make messes, a daughter who tries to clean up the messes and I have the ability to help them along the way. Do I long for the day when I can walk across my floor without stepping on a toy or squishing cereal in to the carpet?  Yes I do! But for now I am  going to be happy in knowing that my two sometimes crazy little ones make my life so complete and what will I do with all of my spare time when they are too old to make those messes?

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