Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Great Vaccine Debate

The Great Vaccine Debate


            I am very interested in the whole vaccination debate. As a health care worker, I understand the importance, safety, & efficacy of vaccinations. I realize that because of the invention of vaccinations, diseases such as polio have basically been eradicated. I guess I would call myself pro-vaccination.

            But please do not think that I am naïve. I do question vaccine safety, & I am concerned for my family & patients who receive vaccines. I am particularly concerned with questions like are their toxic ingredients in vaccines such as Thimerosal & is there a link between autism & vaccinations?

            I have been doing quite a bit of research on the topic of Thimerosal. Thimerosal is a preservative that has been used in vaccinations for decades, & has most recently been eliminated from almost all childhood vaccinations, (except from multi dose flu vaccines) [1]. It is used as a preservative in multi dose vaccination viles to help prevent diseases such as staph from growing in the viles [2]. The body breaks down Thimerosal into an ethyl mercury, which is rapidly excreted from the body through stool [2]. The push to have Thimerosal removed from childhood vaccinations came mostly from parent groups who felt that the increased diagnosis’ of autism were linked with the increasing childhood vaccination schedule [2]. Numerous regulatory, scientific, & governing bodies, including the WHO (World Health Organization), FDA (Food & Drug Administration), & the CDC (Centers for Disease control) have dismissed the claim that there is a link between thimerosal-containing vaccines & autism, as autism remains on the rise, despite the removal thimerosal from routine childhood vaccines [2].

            One of my biggest questions is for those who choose not to vaccinate their children- where do you get your information from regarding vaccines? Ever since I had my son, I have been trying to do more & more research regarding vaccines & their safety. However, I have had a really hard time finding peer reviewed studies & articles that are not only easy to find, but easy to understand! Where are people finding their information?!? I would love to hear other parent’s opinions & find out where they are accessing their information. I am not trying to push vaccinations, or discourage against them. My goal is to start the discussion on why & how people are making the choice to vaccinate or not to vaccinate their children, & to help distribute different, yet RELIABLE sources of information.

            Next week: Ethyl mercury vs Methyl mercury! What the heck’s the difference & why would I care?!?

 Nichole Foot, RN, BScN


[1] Public Health Agency of Canada. Do vaccines contain toxic ingredients?  Retrieved 21/10/2012, from


[2] Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Thimerosal. Retrieved 21/10/2012, from

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