Thursday, November 15, 2012

Skin Care for Baby

Baby eczema, the itchiness and redness we want to stop for them. Tips, tricks, products to share?

As a health care professional I have found that people often looked to me for the ‘medical answer’ to their concerns and questions. However, I’d like to clear a little air and say that there needs to balance between natural therapies and medical therapies. This really came to light for me when my precious little girl exhibited eczema that progressively grew worse instead of better. Our first course of action was to take her to the physician and received the oh so familiar prescription for hydrocortisone. I knew the side effects of thinning skin and increased sensitivity to the environment later on in life, so was a bit hesitant to use it. Don’t get me wrong when used properly it really works and hydrocortisone is proven course of action for treating eczema.

Now that we’ve covered that how about a little food for thought on alternative means for treating eczema; of course the first step is to know what causes baby’s eczema and only a health care professional can truly diagnose this, but as moms and dads we’re pretty intuned to our baby’s needs. For us it all came down to a little extra bacterial flora in the stomach because of our C-section and the lack of that final squeeze to clear baby’s insides. After a visit to our local health food store and a conversation with a trained Homeotherapist, we started our little one on probiotics. The effects were not immediate, but when combined with hydrocortisone, no wheat diet, baking soda in bath water, and good ole drugstore lotions our baby girl was eczema free and loving life as farm baby.

Everyone’s experience with eczema is different; therefore no one method works for everyone. If you have any little tips, tricks, family trusted methods or ‘gut mommy feelings’ we’d love to hear from you and have the opportunity to share and make everyone’s parenting journey a little better. We’re on facebook @ or Twitter @ExpectingSuccessRN


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