Friday, December 14, 2012

Sleep Training

What is sleep training? My baby is just 3 months old now and I am hearing more and more of this sleeping training, what method are you using? How long is she sleeping? Newborns sleep about 16-17 hours of sleep (usually short sleeps, waking every 2-3 hours to feed). Increasing the length of night time sleep and shorter naps, by 1 year they need around 14 hours of sleep (sleeping majority 10-12hours at night).

So I have begun my reading up on baby sleep and wanted to share my top 10 helpful tips on baby sleep for me and 3 month old baby: (I am trying to create healthy sleep habits and am open to tips from readers.)

1.       Routine bed time- bath, massage, bedtime story, lullabies

2.       Routine nap time – good start is 1 in morning, noon, and evening, or start 2 hours after rising

3.       Routine- to get baby’s on day and night schedule- have them napping during the day in light and sound and nighttime is dark and quiet.

4.       Timing- if they get over tired try next day 1/2hour sooner

5.       Flexible- once you get a routine they change it up

6.       Feeding- they slowly drop feedings during night

7.       Try to get them to fall asleep not feeding

8.       When wake up try not to make eye contact (engage in social interaction increases  wakefulness) and rub their tummy

9.       Have a blanket/lamb skin that familiar with sleeping and then you can take it anywhere and have a piece of home

10.   They won’t die if you don’t burp them before bed after feeding ( Burping can wake up my baby and sometimes it wakes them up, but they will wake up if a burp is bothering them).


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