Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nuts for Nutrition

Finding out I was pregnant and my mom being a health nut, I was in for quite a treat when I went down to visit it her in Arizona for a month in my fourth month of pregnancy. Before I never thought about how important diet and nutrition was for a pregnant mother.  As I was settling into the fact that I was that pregnant mother I felt the responsibility to provide the best nutrition for me and my baby.  I went to the health food store the day I found out and got prenatal vitamins to help support my diet.  Pregnancy and breastfeeding is the only times you have full responsibility for what your child is ingesting. You have the choice to provide the best nutritional foundation in such an important and rapidly growing body of your child. Below is an interesting article:  

So my mom began my granola crusade.  Smoothies every morning, ensuring I had enough protein and water, and absolutely no sugars or artificial sweenters. By the end of my trip I felt I had to hide in a closet just to have a taste of my beloved Dr. Pepper.  As my pregnancy was nearing the end it seemed as though I splurged more than enough. Being 2 weeks over due it seemed like I would find myself in Dairy Queen saying “well this will be my last blizzard, my baby is coming any day now.”
I think there has to be a balance, between healthy eating and the occasional splurge.  I want to support my child and give her the best start I can possibly give her, starting with healthy nutrition. Now that I am happily settling into the mother role I find it’s harder than ever to eat right. Its seems time fly’s taking care of my little one that I forget to take care of myself and eat right. That’s why I am making it a priority, top of my list, from this blog forward.

p.s. If you see me eating or drinking something unhealthy I give you permission to tell me whats up. Peer pressure will get me back on track… My body will thank you later.

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