Monday, December 17, 2012


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death in infants aged 0-6months. It can happen to any infant no matter good health or bad.

Early this morning was like every other morning; my babe woke around 4:15am to feed. I fed her and she feel back asleep easily, so I put her back in her bassinet in our room at the foot of our bed. As I had drifted back to sleep I found myself abruptly waking up, thinking I was rolling over with my babe still in my arms (a recurring night scare). I had become panicked. Getting a bit more wits about me I realize that’s not the scare… my babe was coughing, choking, and gasping for air. Thank the Good Lord above for my fiancĂ© and his quick reaction, he already had her in his arms, comforting her, and ensuring she was getting back into a normal breathing rhythm. There was a huge sigh of relief, but we both were shaken up. As for my babe, she fell back asleep like there was no problem to begin with.  We put her in our bed beside me (co-sleeping is a risk factor in SIDS) and I watched her breathe. There was no more sleeping for me, every breathe she took I was holding mine.  Such a precious gift that can so easily be taken away.

 I thank God every day for my little one and blessings she has brought to our family. No one ever wants to think that their child could die but it is important to learn ways to lessen the chance of that ever happening. I am going to do everything I possibly can to keep her safe. Everyone should know some tips to reduce the risk factors in SIDS:

©       Breastfeeding

©       Safe sleeping environment- no loose sheets/blankets/etc., firm/flat mattress

©       No co-sleeping (other than increased risk of SIDS, studies also has shown that co-sleeping increases stress hormones in mothers that co-sleep)

©       Babe should be in parents room for the first 6 months in bassinet/crib

©       Pacifiers are said to reduce risk, once babe is sleeping don’t force pacifier back in

©       Make sure babe is warm but not too hot

©       A smoke-free home

God Bless,

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