Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year, New Me!

As the New Year has arrived, I have been contemplating a bit on where I am in life and where I want to be. I am not big on making new year's resolutions because I honestly never keep them- I don't really like to go to the gym or diet. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I don't really have any big vices that I can try to give up….So my "Non New Year's Resolution" is to improve myself. I want to be a better person. I want to strive to be a better parent- take more time for my kids, teach them more and enjoy the little things in life with them more. I want to be a better wife- take more time for my husband, get back to enjoying the things we used to enjoy before kids/work/life happened. I want to be better at taking care of myself- take time for me, focus on things that make me feel better and develop my passion for scrapbooking and photography more.

What about you? How does the New Year look for you? Have you made any resolutions? If so how are you sticking to them?

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