Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Breast feeding, although natural, it's not an easy task at first. It requires determination and perseverance. I still have those days of being unsure, is she getting enough? Is she urinating enough? Are my nipples supposed to look like that? I remember when we first brought our baby home. Not sure if she was getting enough we asked our midwife how long our little one should be at the breast. We got a "it depends..." my fiancĂ© and I both joke about that answer... everything always depends, but at the time my fiancĂ© was upset with that answer or lack of answer. "There’s enough research, we were able to send a man to the moon, but we don’t have an answer to breastfeeding...” We now realize just how different every baby is and develops. Breast feeding is not always easy. Here are a few tips I have learned along the way…

Ways to help make breast feeding bearable:
e prepared- read up on breast feeding- what to expect, different techniques,& problem solving. For example: engorgement, low supply, know how much your baby needs at certain times in their life (newborns 1st datys of life- tummies are the size of a chickpea so do not need much milk/colostrum until your milk comes in)

Have breastfeeding goals- how long do I want to breast feed for (the World Health Org. recommends at least 2 years) and being committed.
 Know where to go for help and what you can do to prevent problems. Le Leache groups are support groups for nursing moms.

Ways to increase breast milk production:

Drink enough of water


Ensure correct position and latch

Breastfeeding more frequently, it’s a process of supply and demand. The more demand increases your supply. (in your babes growth spurts do not worry about supplementing your body will naturally increase with more demand of the babes nursing)

Pumping after feedings to increase demand of milk.

Ways you may be sabotaging breast feeding:

Not consuming enough calories, while breastfeeding your calorie intake will increase in order to support your baby.

Supplementing with formula

Pacifiers and bottles- It is encouraged to not use any supplementation for at least 4 weeks postpartum to ensure good nursing habits and breast milk production.

Pumping your milk and not pumping while your away  at those times your babe is eating (this lowers your supply as you are telling your body your babe is not needing the feeds that the babe is getting from the bottle)

I hope this helps. Breast feeding is rewarding, but sometimes very frustrating. Sometimes you just need to vent or talk about your trials and triumphs, call a girlfriend. Hang in their momma, we have all been there.

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