Friday, January 18, 2013

Baby #2?...

Growing up with 3 younger siblings always made me want a number of kids close together in age, my mom and dad had 4 under the age of 6 at one point. This may sound crazy to a few people, but a dream for us; kind of a ‘get it done quick and close’ type attitude. Now that our little girl is 9 months old, my husband and I have started the “conversation” of trying for number 2. With the joy of planning to expand our family come a few fears for me as well. Right now it is easy to spend time with and entertain one child, but what will happen when the next one or 2 or 3 comes along? Will we play favourites? Will we love them equally? Will they get along? Will their grandparents have big enough hearts for more than one? Sometimes I sit down and cry as I stress myself out with these thoughts, but the answer is simple: yes they will be loved equally by all and yes they may fight at time, but in the long run they will always be there for each other and in our minds there is nothing better than a big family.

Other news on our front is that my youngest brother and his wife are expecting their first as well, a boy the heir apparent at this point in time. Again I’m thrilled for them, but also scared of how this will affect my own little girl’s position in the family. Needless fears and anxieties I know, but real ones none the less. After a wonderful conversation with my mom, I was assured that our little girl will always be loved and how exciting is it that she’ll be the first to ride in the sled, build a snowman, tease the puppy, drive the quad, race down the ski hill and shoot a gun with her dad (my husband added this one).

Coming to mental peace with myself over these crazy thoughts and concerns, I am more than thrilled to add to our family and keep all the little siblings and cousins close together in age.

In ten years when there are 12, yes that is what we all promised 12, grandkids running around at Christmas ask me if I have any regrets and despite pure exhaustion I will tell you NO.

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