Monday, October 29, 2012

When Births Don't Go as Planned

My inspiration for wanting to be a part of Expecting Success stems from my own birth experience. Prenatal classes are not offered in my area, & I knew with all that was going on in our lives (home renovations, a family members illness), that we would not be able to travel to the city to attend prenatal classes there. Our health unit only had VHS movies to watch, which I did take home, but I never did track down a VCR to watch them with. I read through the health regions prenatal classes that they offer online, but the site was difficult to find & I am not sure I really retained much of the information. I did feel somewhat confident- after all, I am an RN & I thought that attending births at work had given me enough knowledge to cope with labor & delivery. I never for one second thought that I would not be able to deliver my baby & would end up with an emergency C-section. I didn’t have a specific birth plan by any means, but I fully envisioned myself having a drug-free labor & vaginal birth.

            I was induced early in the a.m. & slowly labored throughout the day & night. I wasn’t fully prepared or educated enough to cope with the exhaustion, pain, & duration of labor. I do feel I coped well, however I was very unwilling to try different labor positions. Looking back, I wish I would have walked more & tried different positions to see if would have helped assist with delivery. After unsuccessfully pushing for a little over an hour, my physician informed us that our baby’s head was indeed stuck, & that there was no way that the vacuum or forceps could be used. I was going for a C-section.

            The whole situation is still somewhat foggy, but I think I was mostly scared & shocked that I was going to put under a general anesthetic & not see the birth of my baby. I was also terrified because my husband wasn’t able to be in the OR with us. That is something that still bothers me to this day.  Helplessness is definitely a feeling I would use to describe the situation. However, we were blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy & I did recover very quickly. My husband & I are very grateful for the wonderful care my son & I received from our doctors & nurses.

            This experience has shaped my vision as a consultant with Expecting Success. I want to be able to offer high quality programs & personal support to the mothers in my rural area. I want to help women be educated & empowered throughout their pregnancies & deliveries. Just because we choose to live where we do, doesn’t mean that we should be refused access to excellent information & support. I can’t wait to meet you all & see where Expecting Success takes us!

 Nichole Foot, RB, BScN

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