Wednesday, October 31, 2012


                                                       My Surprise 1st Child  
My pregnancy/birth story for my first child was a series of unplanned surprises for myself.
The first surprise was discovering I was pregnant 2 months before my wedding. While we were planning on starting a family after we got married, this was a bit of a surprise, pleasant and a blessing but a surprise nonetheless. My due date was January 20th. I decided that I wanted to give birth in the small rural hospital where I worked under the care of my midwife colleague through the local Low Risk Clinic. My goal was to have as natural of birth as possible. Well there came the next “surprise”, during my pregnancy I developed low platelets which put me at risk for bleeding and made me too high of risk to deliver in rural. So I was referred to deliver in the city and managed to have my first appointment arranged with an OB/GYN who practiced at my rural hospital as well as in the city. I had my first appointment at 34 weeks and was instructed to come in just after I was 36 weeks for my next appointment. Up until this time I was working full time and was scheduled to go off work after a night shift ending on Boxing Day. My plan was to spend the next few weeks “nesting”. I was going to super organize and clean my house, bake, make meals and freeze them, and spend time relaxing with my husband.

3 days later with reservations made for the following evening for New Year’s Eve supper and a snowstorm in the works I was in early labour. We made the trip in to the city only to be told we were in very early labour and sent back home. The next day was New Year’s Eve and by 5 am I was having contractions that were fairly regular. By noon they were progressing to every 3- 5 minutes. Due to the poor weather and having a 40 min drive into the city we headed in to the hospital earlier than I had hoped, but better to be safe than deliver a baby on the side of the road in my car in a snowstorm! 
I was nervous, my husband was nervous, we were excited and scared and full of emotions! At this point I had wished my husband and I did prenatal classes together (he had been working out of town for the majority of my pregnancy so I attended a couple of classes by myself). When we got there I was 2-3 centimetres dilated but they decided to keep me as the roads weren’t great. Luckily the labour unit wasn’t super busy at this point so I was given a labour room on the Labour and Delivery floor which meant I didn’t have to stay and labour in the small triage area. I laboured in the shower as much as I was able to, never have I been so thankful to live in a country with an abundant supply of hot running water!
After 4 hours of in hospital labour I was 4-5cms dilated and the OB/GYN  and nursing staff decided I wasn’t progressing quick enough so they began a Oxytocin drip- “surprise” my natural childbirth was looking less appealing as no longer was I allowed to be in the shower as I was to be on the monitor which meant labouring in bed…This was the most uncomfortable feeling ever, trying to stay still so the monitor could actually monitor my baby but trying to be comfortable- it just wasn‘t working for me at all. So after 2 hours of the Oxytocin with only 1 dose of IV morphine, I couldn’t handle the pain anymore so I gave up my resisting and opted for the epidural that had been offered to me when I had first arrived on the unit.

I was sad as I didn’t really want the epidural (being a nurse I had witnessed the initiation of epidurals and the thought of the large needle going into my spine didn’t really appeal to me but my lack of pain control won over my fear of the large needle). As it turned out the insertion of the epidural wasn’t really all that bad, I had in all fairness warned my poor husband not to watch them put it in and he didn’t listen, he still feels bad for me getting that needle- although it was a blessing for me as it made me calmer and I think truly the decrease in my anxiety made my labour progress faster than any of the drugs could have. An hour after my epidural was started I was ready to push and half an hour later my beautiful daughter was born - yet another “surprise” as I had thought all along I was pregnant with a boy(we had opted to not find out at ultrasound but all the old wife’s tales pointed to a boy). 
After delivery and when I got home I did feel a bit sad that my “plan” of a natural birth didn’t work out. I felt that maybe I could have been stronger and pushed through the pain or I should have stayed at home and laboured in my comforting surroundings longer. But in the end when I look back on it all I realize that I couldn’t have planned a more perfect moment than sitting in my hospital bed holding my baby girl watching the New Year’s Eve fireworks over the city skyline with my husband at my side. I guess it is true that sometimes the best things in life are the surprises that come when you least expect them.

 Amanda Caldwell RN, BN

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A letter to my daughter

Dear Baby Girl,

Mom started in labour with you at 2200 on February 25, 2012 (your due date) and made it through the night with a warm bath and your dad’s help. By 0700 on February 26, mom was ready to go to the hospital to see where we were at. Dad braved the snowstorm and we drove to High River to meet midwife Amy D. After a couple hours she sent us home to rest; recommending a nice bath and small glass of red wine. Grandpa and Gamma Felzien arrived to help and with much coaching and support we made it to the evening when midwife Rebecca arrived. Being a munchkin you were turned the wrong way. At 2200 that night mom’s water broke and it was time to get serious about getting you out. We tried to turn you, using every method imaginable, but no way. So at 0200 on February 27 off to the Rockyview General Hospital we went; once more driving through a lovely Alberta snowstorm. When we arrived at the hospital and mom was hooked up to the monitor, we learned that you were having a few challenges getting out: your heart rate was low, cord was kinked in two spots, fluid levels were dropping and you were still turned posterior. Basically you were stuck and not liking it so the doctors had to help. Mom tried to push you out and the doctors tried to pull you out, but no way were you coming out that way. That meant one thing, surgery for mom so we could save you and welcome you into our world and family with nothing but love. Despite the complete and utter change in our birth plan the end result was you and we wouldn’t change anything.

Love Mommy and Daddy
Katrina Smith RN, BScN, BIS

Monday, October 29, 2012

When Births Don't Go as Planned

My inspiration for wanting to be a part of Expecting Success stems from my own birth experience. Prenatal classes are not offered in my area, & I knew with all that was going on in our lives (home renovations, a family members illness), that we would not be able to travel to the city to attend prenatal classes there. Our health unit only had VHS movies to watch, which I did take home, but I never did track down a VCR to watch them with. I read through the health regions prenatal classes that they offer online, but the site was difficult to find & I am not sure I really retained much of the information. I did feel somewhat confident- after all, I am an RN & I thought that attending births at work had given me enough knowledge to cope with labor & delivery. I never for one second thought that I would not be able to deliver my baby & would end up with an emergency C-section. I didn’t have a specific birth plan by any means, but I fully envisioned myself having a drug-free labor & vaginal birth.

            I was induced early in the a.m. & slowly labored throughout the day & night. I wasn’t fully prepared or educated enough to cope with the exhaustion, pain, & duration of labor. I do feel I coped well, however I was very unwilling to try different labor positions. Looking back, I wish I would have walked more & tried different positions to see if would have helped assist with delivery. After unsuccessfully pushing for a little over an hour, my physician informed us that our baby’s head was indeed stuck, & that there was no way that the vacuum or forceps could be used. I was going for a C-section.

            The whole situation is still somewhat foggy, but I think I was mostly scared & shocked that I was going to put under a general anesthetic & not see the birth of my baby. I was also terrified because my husband wasn’t able to be in the OR with us. That is something that still bothers me to this day.  Helplessness is definitely a feeling I would use to describe the situation. However, we were blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy & I did recover very quickly. My husband & I are very grateful for the wonderful care my son & I received from our doctors & nurses.

            This experience has shaped my vision as a consultant with Expecting Success. I want to be able to offer high quality programs & personal support to the mothers in my rural area. I want to help women be educated & empowered throughout their pregnancies & deliveries. Just because we choose to live where we do, doesn’t mean that we should be refused access to excellent information & support. I can’t wait to meet you all & see where Expecting Success takes us!

 Nichole Foot, RB, BScN

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

On a Mission

My name is Ashley Ference. I am a Registered Nurse, Maternity Consultant and Education Specialist with Expecting Success Inc.

I am an expert in rural nursing, which means I don’t know a lot about anything but I know a little about everything when it comes to health! One thing I know for sure is that women and families living in rural areas deserve the same access to education and support that is offered in urban centers.
I am passionate about providing safe, competent care to rural women and families. Part of that process involves not only educating and supporting our rural community, but also our rural nurses. Knowledge is power!

 Just imagine how we could transform our community with more education about
healthy pregnancies. Children are a precious gift and they deserve every opportunity to grow and flourish! What in our lives is more important than family? Lets do everything we can from this moment forward to enable our families to be the best they can be!

Registered Nurse. Wife. Former farm girl. Camping enthusiast. I love my husband, my dog, the color pink, anything that sparkles, coffee, massages, cooking, wine, pedicures, my friends and my family. When I feel passionate about something I can’t rest until I’m satisfied I’ve accomplished what I need to.

By providing online support, prenatal and labor classes, and access to quality information, I want to positively revolutionize the way women, families, our community and society views pregnancy, birth and parenting.

Ashley is the Expecting Success RN Consultant for the following communities and can be reached at

Cold Lake, Cherry Grove, Ardmore, Fort Kent, Bonnyville, St. Paul, Elk Point, Lac La Biche, La Corey, Iron River, Plamondon, Cold Lake First Nations, Elizabeth Metis Settlement, Glendon, Franchere, Goodridge, Therien, Mallaig, Ashmont, St. Brides, St. Vincent, Sputinow, Lafond, Lindbergh, Frog Lake, Heinsburg, Saddle Lake, Hamlin, Willingdon, Foisy, Brosseau, Duvernay, Musidora, Morecambe, Beauvallon, Myrnam, Derwent, Clandonald, Marwayne, Dewberry, Tulliby Lake, Alcurve, Streamstown, Kitscoty, Lloydminster, Vermillion Andrew, Wostok, Hairy Hill, Redwater, Smokey Lake, Bruderheim, Gibbons, Fort Saskatchewan, Mundare, Bellis, Vilna, Spedden, Waskatenau, Warspite, Victoria, McRae, Radway, Goodfish Lake, Fork Lake, Beaver Lake, Hylo, Boyle, Ellscott, Mewatha Beach, Bondiss, Casian, Rich Lake, Kehiwin, Imperial Mills, Atmore, Grassland, Breynat, Wandering River, Mariana Lake, Conklin, Chard, Janvier, Anzac, Saprae Creek Estates, Fort McMurray

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Mama on the Move!

My name is Jolene, I am a Registered Nurse and excited to be an RN Consultant with Expecting Success.

I have lived in Manitoba, Alberta, Yukon and now back to Manitoba…all thanks to my husbands career. (5 moves in 10 years!)  I love it…most of the time. A bit isolating, but we have met some amazing people.  In those towns, your friends become your family.

I have three young girls, born in Northern Alberta and the Yukon. I understand “lack of resources in rural area!” We had to drive 6 hours to Whitehorse to deliver my third baby! I chose to fly home with my 2 day old, vs that drive home! I understand stress…having three young girls, no family around, and a shift working husband…just imagine!? And you know what kept me going through those sleepless nights? Remembering that I am not the only one up…that there are many other moms out there doing exactly the same thing, “being a mommy.”

I am passionate to empower the maternity patient and mom. I regret the way my first labour turned out and I want to inform pregnant ladies to help avoid those situations. It is so important to have the knowledge and confidence with your pregnancy and labour experience. Definitely am a people person, meeting people and hearing their stories is a passion of mine.

Mommy, wife, nurse. CPR and First Aid instructor. Worked as a cashier and for MB Parks. Country girl. Enjoys bonfires. Love Sushi and Bubbletea. And rarely do I go a day without AT LEAST a couple cups of coffee or tea (probably why I am the shortest of my three siblings).

It is my goal to empower your experience. I am here to provide answers, resources and direction for you through this amazing life experience!

Jolene is the Expecting Success RN Consultant for the following communitites and can be reached at


Traverse Bay, Pine Falls, Lac Du Bonnet, Selkirk, Stonewall, Lockport, St Andrews, Beausejour, Oakbank, Gimli, Teulon, Ashern, Eriksdale, Whitemouth

Ste Anne, La Broquerie, Steinbach, Landmark, Lorette, Niverville, Blumenort, Grunthal, Kleefeld, Vita, Sprague, Piney, Pointe Du Bois, Ste Agathe, St Adolphe, St Pierre Jolys, St Malo, Rennie, Hazelridge, Gull Lake, Grand Beach, Falcon Lake, Dugald, Anola

 Dominion City, Emerson, Gretna, Altona, Morden, Winkler, Carmen

Friday, October 26, 2012

No "Do-Overs" in Parenthood

Hi everyone,
My name is Sarah Halverson and I am a Registered Nurse, with a specialty in rural medicine. I am a mother of two beautiful girls, and have been married for 7 years through many of life’s ups and downs.

Much of my career has been focused on caring for women as they enter the hospital to welcome their new bundle of joy. I have been present for hundreds of births and I want to continue to make this a positive, empowering experience for women and their families.

Registered nurse, mother of 2, farm girl, coffee enthusiast, former hairdresser. I love country décor, and I am happiest on a horse. I would be lost without my i-phone. I know what it’s like to be up all night with a sick child and have to work the next day.

I am passionate about helping women make informed decisions and feel  that they are an active participant throughout their childbirth experience.

In life, there are not many experiences that allow you to have a do-over. Childbirth is no exception. It is my goal to be a positive influence and to help you make the right choices for you and your child.


Sarah is the Expecting Success RN Consultant for the following communitites and can be reached at

Grande Prairie, Whitecourt, Barrhead, Westlock, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Edson, Hinton, Jasper, Drayton Valley, Leduc, Wetaskiwin, Hobbema, Ponoka, Rimbey, Westerose

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Multi-Tasking Mama

Hi everybody,
My name is Amanda Caldwell and I am a Registered Nurse, wife, mother of two and RN Consultant with Expecting Success Inc.

I am an expert on multi-tasking as a mom, keeping your identity while parenting on your own when yourpartner works away, and finding exciting new maternity and parenting resources.

I love being a mom and challenging myself to become a better parent, and a better person, all while attempting to maintain my own sense of self. I am passionate about parents feeling that they truly had an informed say in their child's life from  conception through adulthood. I believe as parents we owe it to ourselves and  our children to equip our parenting tool boxes with the best resources and
tools possible, to make a overall satisfying parenting journey for all involved.

I can undeniably promise that I will work as hard as I can to bring you good, quality, new information that will empower you to be a better parent and leave you feeling satisfied with the many difficult and easy decisions you will make as a new parent.

Registered Nurse. Mother. Wife. Former 4-H/ Farm Girl. Acreage owner. Crafter. Baker. Independent thinker. Knowledge gatherer.

I am excited to embark on your parenting journey with you. I hope to be able to offer you support as you embark on this very special journey.


Amanda will be the Expecting Success RN Consultant for the following areas and can be reached at

Blackie, Vulcan, Okotoks, Black Diamond, Turner Valley, High River, Strathmore, DeWinton, Claresholm, Stavely, Nanton, Canmore, Banff

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Here to Rock Rural

Hey everybody!

My name is Katrina Smith and I am a  Registered Nurse (RN), business school graduate, RN Consultant for Expecting  Success Inc., and most importantly a mother and wife.

I am an expert on patient centered  care in tough situations, supporting and mentoring those who want to empower  themselves for success and meeting you where you’re at no matter what birthing
experience you and your ‘family’ desire.

I have a passion for providing women  and families with the tools they need to be proud of their birth choices and  experiences. By working together as a team we will ensure you feel 100% ownership for your pregnancy, labour and post-partum adventure. I know what  it’s like to grow up in a small town with limited resources and how out of  control that can feel; and it’s my desire to rock rural maternity care in a  positive way.

Registered Nurse, business  professional, eldest sibling, mother, wife, mudslinging quad runner, and
downhill skiing enthusiast (hey I grew up 5 miles from The Valley Ski Hill).
I’ll  admit that after a hard day a glass of wine or cold beverage has been consumed to promote relaxation. I most definitely do not take myself too seriously, and despite living the majority of life in the country I’m terrified of little furry mice. I  choose to live in Alberta cuz I really do love the weather and the people;  let’s face it we’re a pretty unique group. I believe that every woman should
feel empowered in her maternity care and be provided with the resources needed
to achieve just that.

It is my dream, life mission and goal  to bring positive support and tools to rural women from bump to baby and beyond.

Katrina will be the Expecting Success RN Consultant for the following communities and she can be reached at

  • County of Paintearth
    • Castor
    • Coronation
  • County of Flagstaff
    • Forestburg
    • Killam
    • Daysland
    • Strome
    • Sedgewick
    • Lougheed
    • Hardisty
  • County of Stettler
    • Stettler
  • Lamont County
    • Lamont
  • MD Provost
    • Provost
  • County of Two Hills
    • Two Hills
  • MD Wainright
    • Wainwright
  • Beaver County
    • Viking
    • Riley
    • Holden
    • Bruce
    • Kinsella
    • Lindbrook
    • Tofield
  • Camrose County
    • Camrose
  • County of Minburn
    • Vegreville
    • Minburn
    • Manville
    • Innisfree

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rural & Fabulous!

Hey everybody!

My name is Nichole Foot & I am  thrilled to be a maternity consultant with Expecting Success!

I was born & raised in the Oyen area & have now found myself returning “home”, something  I swore to anyone who would listen I would never do! I am not only passionate about my career as a Registered Nurse, but I am also passionate about living in a rural area. I really do feel that we can live in the middle of nowhere & still be fabulous!

I want to empower women & their families to take control of their birth & parenting experiences, & I want to be able to offer top quality care in the country. Expecting Success is giving me the opportunity to offer you the one-to-one care every woman deserves in her pregnancy & beyond.
I am a wife, a mother, an RN, & a multitasker. I love carbs, caffeine, & the color pink. And I think recycling’s really cool!

My goal is to advocate for & inspire women, as well as help families make the most informed & educated decisions about starting their families in this fantastic part of the province that I am so proud to call home!


Nichole will be the Expecting Success RN Consultant for the following areas, contact her at :

Oyen, Brooks, Bassano, Rosemary, Duchess, Millicent, Patricia, Gem Wardlow, Iddesleigh, Medicine Hat, Bow Island, Burdett, Grassy Lake,  Purple Springs, Barnwell, Cranford, Monarch, Diamond City, Nobelford, Shaughnessy, Iron Springs, Turin, Enchant, Rainer, Rolling Hills, Hays, Taber, Walsh, Irvine, Lethbridge, Cardston, Coledale, Coleman, Blairmore, Frank, Bellevue, Burnis, Lunbreck, Brocket, Glenwood, Fort Macleod, Foremost, Magrath, Milk River, Pincher Creek, Picture Butte, Raymond, Stand Off, Vauxhaull, Coalhurst,

Esther, Altario, Compeer, Kirriemuir, Consort, Monitor, New Brigden, Sedalia, Sibbald, Cereal, Chinook, Acadia Valley, Empress, Bindloss, Buffalo, Jenner, Cessford, Schuler, Orion, Cressday, Pakowki, Milk River, Warner, Wrentharm, Burdett, Whitla, Redcliff, Suffield, Scandia, Tilley, Princess, Whiskey Gap, Pearce,

Flathead, Cowley, Onefour, Coutts, Aden, Seven Persons, Dunmore, Orion Manyberries, Elkwater, Irvine, Walsh, Ralston, Hilda, Wateron, Mountain View, Leavitt, Del Bonita, Atena, Wildhorse, Spring Coulee, Hill Spring, Twin Butte, Welling, New Dayton, Stirling, Skiff, Etzikom,  Drumheller, Three Hills, Hanna, Youngstown, Delia, Carigmyle, Michichi, Morin, Munson, Rosedale, East Coulee, Dorothy, Finnegan, Nacmine, Dalum, Big Stone, Sunnynook, Pollockville

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rural Roots & Red High Heels

Well hello!

Thanks for dropping by our Expecting Success blog!

I am really excited to introduce you to the FABULOUS team of RN Consultants that I've assembled just for you! Please check out our website to learn more about the amazing education & support programs we are offering.

Over the next week you are going to get to meet each one of my RN Consultants; please feel free to introduce yourself in the comments section...we are really excited to get to know you!

~ Amy Deagle, founder & CEO Expecting Success Inc.

Hey everybody, my name is Amy Deagle and I am a Registered Nurse, Certified Nurse-Midwife and the Founder & CEO of Expecting Success Inc.

I am an expert on women-centered maternity care, advocating for choice in pregnancy & birth and the empowerment of women through powerful, positive birth experiences.

I bring a passion for empowering women and a desire to create a positive culture of birth. I am passionate about providing quality maternity care to rural women.

I can undeniably promise that after meeting with me, you will feel inspired to take charge of your birthing experience and join the movement of positively changing the culture of birth. And even better than that, I can help give you the tools to put you in the driver’s seat of your pregnancy and birth experience....and I'll do it in red high heels :)

Registered Nurse. Midwife. Farm girl. Former lifeguard. Caffeine enthusiast. Terrified of tornados and fire. I don’t like playing by anyone’s rules but my own. Can only two-step if I’m wearing heels – and I’ve been known to wear those heels in the cow pasture. I am passionate about birth and helping women find their power through those experiences.

It is my goal and life mission to change the way women, and eventually society, feel about & view birth.
POSITIVELY CHANGING THE CULTURE OF BIRTH is the legacy I hope to leave behind.

Join us at